Commercial Cell Collocate Checklist
- Site Plan
- Show north arrow
- Property lines and dimensions (size and shape of parcel); include easements
- Locations, dimensions and height of all existing and proposed buildings and structures. Include dimensions from each other and from all property lines.
- Existing and proposed driveways including width, curbs, sidewalks, and streets.
- Indicate placement and species of required street trees.
- Indicate center line of street(s), label street names and note as public or private.
- Location and height of walls and fences; note construction material(s).
- Elevations
- Architectural or Structural Plans
- Electrical Plans
- Signed and Dated Commercial, Multi-Family & Industrial (CMI) Application Form
- Narrative
- FCC License
- Performance Bond
- Liability Insurance
- Lease Agreement
- Structural Calculations