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Commercial Modular Checklist


  1. Site Plan
    • Show north arrow
    • Property lines and dimensions (size and shape of parcel); include easements (identify type)
    • Locations, dimensions and height of all existing and proposed buildings and structures including garages, carports, fences, decks, patio covers and other accessory structures. Include dimensions from each other and from all property lines.
    • Existing and proposed driveways including width, curbs, sidewalks, and streets.
    • Indicate placement and species of required street trees.
    • Indicate center line of street(s), label street names and note as public or private.
    • Location and height of walls and fences; note construction material(s).
    • Show stormwater infiltration or connection to existing system.
    • Note trees to be retained, removed and or planted per approved tree plan.
  2. Labor and Industries (L&I) Approved Stamped Construction Plans
  3. ADA Stair / Ramp Details
  4. Foundation Plan


  1. Signed and Dated Commercial, Multi-Family & Industrial (CMI) Application Form
  2. Structural Calculations
  3. Geotechnical Report (current)
