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Checking the status of your submittal

As the Electronic Plan Submitter, you can access your submittal in ePlans at any time.

Once your application has been accepted for review, we’ll send you an email informing you it’s in review and then we’ll email you as soon as all the reviews are completed.

In ePlans, you have access to your submittal at any point in time. You also have access to reports that display real time information. These reports will show you the plan review status and any markups that are on your plans and/or documents asking for a correction.

Step 1: Enter your email and password and click ‘Sign in’.

Step 2: To the left, click on the ‘Applications’ tab and then ‘All’ to the right.

Step 3: Use the columns to enter information to find the permit you’d like to check the status of.  You can enter the application number, part of the project name, or sort by date. Once you find the permit, click on the ‘Reports’ icon.

This brings you to the reports tab on the permit. 

Step 4: Scroll down to the Plan Review – Department Review Status COV report. Click on the icon in front of the report name or the name of the report to get the results.

Step 5: Expand the review cycle you’d like to see by clicking on the + button.

Reading the Report

The report shows you where your submittal is at the same time you ran the report. It will show you the departments it’s be routed to for review, the due date, status, reviewer name and email address.

If you see a department name but no reviewer name, email address or status, this means that we’ve sent a review to that department but it’s still pending and no one has accepted that review.

If you see a department name, reviewer name and email address but no status, this means that reviewer is actively reviewing your submittal but is not finished yet.

If you see a department name, reviewer name, email address and status, this means that reviewer has finished their review of your submittal.

Review Results

There are several different review results you may see. Here is list and what each one means.

Viewing your correction items (Markups) in the Reviews Tab

In ePlans, you can view what correction items (Markups) on your submittal at any time. A markup means that a change is required on your plans and/or documents. The reviews tab shows you what correction items are on your submittal as of the moment in time that you look at it.

**Please be aware that more correction items may be added if your application is still in review so be sure and check back. When all the reviews are finished we will send you an email so you can access the comprehensive list of your correction items**

Being able to see the correction items early, allows you to start working on making these changes while we continue to review your submittal which will save you time.

Reviews Tab: With your submittal open click on the Reviews tab. This will show you all the markups that currently exist on your submittal. You can use the fields at the top to filter or search to see the information you want.

Reading the Reviews Tab

Below is an example of what the reviews tab will look like. You can scroll up and down and view all the items or use the drop down lists at the top to filter or search. There are four categories you could see:

Info Only: This is information the reviewer wanted you to have that they think will benefit you. No applicant response or change is needed in your submittal. It’s for informational use only. 

Unresolved: This means that a correction/change needs to be made. It will show the file the change needs to be made on and what they are asking you to correct. It does require that a revised file is uploaded and an applicant response is entered to the right. 

Resolved: This means this correction/change that was previously requested was made and has been resolved by the reviewer. As you progress through the review process, you’ll start to see your Unresolved items turn Resolved. No change is needed and no response is required. 

Question: This is when a reviewer has a question about your submittal. No correction needs to be made on a file but you do need to respond and provide an answer to the question to the right. 

What does the information mean?

If you have any questions, please contact us so we can help.