Event Details

Bird Language for Beginners
Saturday, September 30, 2023
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Water Resources Education Center
4600 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98661
Event Full: This event has met its participation limit. Please view other nature programs and opportunities to volunteer at Vancouver’s Water Center. To be added to the waitlist, please email vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us and let us know how many people are interested in attending and the ages of any youth in your group.
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Did you notice a landscape become silent when it should be bustling with bird activity? Songbirds are the alarm system of the forests. Birds are paying attention to everything, and their vocalizations have meanings for other birds and mammals.
Join an educator from the Water Center to discover how to decipher the language of birds and understand the story they are broadcasting from the treetops. This class will introduce bird sound mapping and sit spots. Please bring a small reusable plastic grocery bag to sit on outside.
This free nature program is geared toward adults and youth ages 10 and older. The event will occur outdoors, rain or shine. Expect to walk 1.5 miles on paved and uneven, sandy or muddy terrain, and plan to sit outside for 30-40 minutes. Binoculars will be provided.
Advance registration is required, and space is limited. You will receive a confirmation letter with full event details and meeting location after registration.
Contact: Water Center Staff at vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-7111