Event Details

SE 34th Street Tree Planting
Saturday, November 16, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
17128 SE 34th St Vancouver WA
RSVP required, sign up today.
Join the fun and make a big impact in two short hours. Dress for the weather and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Gloves, tools and guidance will be provided, as well as light refreshments.
Join us for a multi-day planting on SE 34th St. This stretch of road in SE Vancouver previously had 90 ash trees that needed constant pruning to avoid the overhead powerlines. Not only was the maintenance costly and time-consuming, but this long row of stressed-out ash trees became a prime target for emerald ash borer, which has been located in Washington and Clackamas Counties in Oregon and Vancouver, B.C. In a proactive effort to protect our city’s tree canopy, our program is replacing vulnerable ash trees with over 90 resilient and climate-adaptive trees. Let’s get to planting!
Learn more about the emerald ash borer beetle, the impact to ash trees, what the city is doing, and what you can do to help slow the spread at www.cityofvancouver.us/eab.
Youth under 18 must bring a signed minor consent form.
Contact: Urban Forestry at trees@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-8308