Event Details

Water Center BioBlitz
Saturday, June 29, 2024
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Water Resources Education Center
4600 S.E. Columbia Way, Vancouver, Washington 98661
Join the Water Center for our Summer BioBlitz! Volunteers will use the iNaturalist app to catalog plants, insects, birds, moss, lichen, animal tracks, and anything else we see in the area.
Registration is required. Sign up today!
Únete al Proyecto de Abejas de Vancouver en un paseo natural en español de 11 a.m. a 12:15 p.m. Se requiere registro. Por favor, regístrese aquí: BioBlitz de Verano del Water Center.
The BioBlitz helps us monitor species in our area to understand who is here, when they are here and their movement patterns. With the help of community scientists like you, we will document as many species as we can.
The Bioblitz is family-friendly, and you don’t need to be an expert naturalist or have experience with iNaturalist. We will have local experts who will lead your group to help with identification and data submission. Guided walks are appropriate for ages 6 and older.
Partners from Vancouver Audubon, Vancouver Bee Project and City of Vancouver Solid Waste will be on hand with education tables for registered participants, so come early and stay late to enjoy interacting with our partners.
Walk Themes:
Bird Walk: Join Vancouver Audubon to help document the different bird species at the Water Center. This group will explore the areas around the Water Center and the wetlands to document birds by sight and sound.
Insect and Flower Walk: Join a naturalist and professor from Clark College to take a deep dive into the world of terrestrial insects. This group will explore the edges of our gardens to find and identify all the insects on the plants. This group will also help identify the flowering plants in our garden spaces.
General Nature Walk: Join a naturalist from the Clark Conservation District on a walk to identify the little things that often get overlooked, including birds, moss, fungi and more!
Paseo Natural en Español: Únete al Proyecto de Abejas de Vancouver en un paseo natural en español alrededor del Water Center. Aprende sobre las plantas y animales que viven alrededor del Centro y los humedales, y ayuda a identificarlos. Este paseo está dirigido a hablantes nativos de español y será guiado por Almendra Velazquez-Perez del Proyecto de Abejas de Vancouver.
Bee Walk: Join the Vancouver Bee Project to look for all things bees in our gardens and along the trails.
Plant Walk: Join the City’s NatureSpaces program to help catalog and document all the plants along the trails at the Center and along the river.
Accessibility: Substrate and terrain are variable for each walk. The bird walk will be on paved pathways and off-trail on sandy beach areas. The insect and bee walks will be on paved paths, gravel paths and grassy edges. General nature walks (both Spanish and English) will be on paved pathways and sandy beach trails. The plant walk will be on paved and gravel pathways and may be off-trail on sloped, dirt trails and sandy beaches.
Detailed logistics will be sent to all registered participants.
If this event becomes full and you see that registrations are no longer accepted, please use the contact email below to add your name to the waitlist.
Contact: Water Resources Education Center at 360-487-7111 or vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us