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Budget 2023-24

The City of Vancouver has adopted its two-year operating and capital budget for 2023-2024. The adopted budget will go into effect January 1, 2023.

Vancouver is a full-service city and is responsible for providing municipal services that support a safe, and vibrant community – including building and repairing roads, providing clean drinking water and reliable sewer systems, ensuring community safety through fire and police, maintaining parks, open space and recreational centers, and creating good jobs and livable neighborhoods through economic development and planning.

Budget Dashboard

2023-24 Budget Framework: Policy Priorities

Three universal themes—Community Safety, Climate Action and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion—govern the development of the biennial budget. The process assigns funding based on the goals, objectives, and community priorities set by City Council. City Council has identified the following policy priorities to guide the development of the 2023-24 budget:

  • Improve Safety
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint
  • Exceptional Public Spaces and Places
  • Improve Equity and Inclusion
  • Position for Growth and Scaling

How the 2023-2024 Budget was Put Together

Forecasting for the Future

The budget process started with an Expenditure and Revenue Forecast for the next six-years and with a review of the City’s Financial policies. The 2023-2028 Forecast indicated that the City will have one-time resources to spend on services and capital projects during the next biennium.

Developing a Recommended Budget

The City Manager developed a Recommended Budget by working with all City departments to identify future investments in services and programs that reflect City policy priorities while ensuring ongoing support of existing City services. The City manager also gathered community input through several community touchpoints to inform his recommendations. Community input came from a variety of sources, such as direct engagement with community groups, a community survey, an on-line budget engagement and prioritization tool, as well as the assessment and analysis associated with the Stronger Vancouver initiative. Capital and program investments were also informed by Vancouver’s newly developed Equity Index as well as consultation with relevant boards and commissions. View a summary of community budget outreach.

Budget Schedule

The City’s draft budget was reviewed by City Council in a series of public budget workshops and a public hearing. The final budget was approved in November 2022.