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Request to Modify Street Standards

Road Modifications

The Road Modification package assists the development community with the submission of road modification requests.

Policy and Procedures Outline

The intent of the Policy and Procedures Outline is to provide guidance for developers wishing to vary from the approved transportation standards. Specifically, this outline details the three classification types (Administrative, Technical and Design) and the respective cost of each type of road modification request, accompanying timelines, the decision appeal process, acceptable justification for a road modification, as well as specific examples of types of infrastructure variances as they relate to road modification classification.

Minimum Requirements Checklist

The Minimum Requirements Checklist will provide a mechanism for developers and/or their representatives to ensure that the road modification request will be deemed counter-complete and will not delay the submittal. The checklist includes the following: (1) a separate application request for each item requesting a variance; (2) the applicable fee for each requested variance; (3) a narrative describing the project, the proposed modification, and the section of the VCM which relates to the proposed modification; and (4) any applicable engineering analysis need by staff to complete an evaluation of the requested Major (Design) or Minor (Technical) Road Modification Request to include by not limited to traffic studies, typical sections, and/or alternative designs.

Road Modification Application

The Road Modification Application requests contact information for the applicant, the owner, and the project engineer. The application has check boxes for the type of road modification being requested, i.e. Administrative, Technical or Design as well as the VMC being requested for modification. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check what classification of road modification is being requested, however, the Transportation Director reserves the right to change the applicant’s determination of the classification for requests based upon the complexity of the request and the amount of staff time required to evaluate and respond to the request.

There are also additional check boxes that will assist the applicant in making sure they have a counter complete application. These include a narrative describing the modification request, the attachment of a Site/Civil Plan, accompanying engineering analysis, and the condition which justifies the road modification. The acceptable justifications for approving a road modification request include unusual topographic conditions, nature of existing construction, unique or innovative development design or similar factors which would make the adherence to the width, design, or alignment defined in Chapters 11.70, 11.80 and 11.90 undesirable or impracticable. Self-imposed conditions or economic hardship shall not be used as justification to grant a modification request. Road modification requests may be submitted prior to or with the underlying development application.