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The accomplishments included in this report provide a high-level look at key initiatives and work to advance the City’s 2023-24 policy priorities. Our $1.7 billion 2023-24 biennial budget approved transformative investments to address immediate challenges and support planning for future generations of Vancouver residents. Explore the City’s budget page to learn more. Click the tiles below to explore our accomplishments in each priority area.

Looking ahead: Vancouver’s 2023-29 strategic plan

In June 2023, we adopted a new strategic plan to guide the City’s direction for the next six years and beyond. This plan expands upon the key policy priorities outlined in the City’s biennial budget, using eight focus areas on the foundation of six core values identified in partnership with our community, to evaluate our work over the next six years.

Core values

Livability, equity and inclusion, innovation, sustainability and resiliency, and community trust and relationships.

Focus areas

Transportation and Mobility, Economic Opportunity, Vibrant and Distinct Neighborhoods, Safe and Prepared Community, Housing and Human Needs, High Performing Government, Climate and Natural Systems, Culture and Heritage.

In 2024, we will begin reporting back to the community regularly (and in this annual report) on our progress toward achieving the goals and strategies identified in this plan. Read the plan and explore our dashboard to check out our progress.