Awards and accolades
Vancouver is a fast-growing city with a rich history in the Pacific Northwest. With abundant recreational opportunities, high-quality schools and a unique location along the mighty Columbia River bordering Oregon and Washington states – there’s something for everyone in Vancouver.

In 2023, Vancouver earned national recognition as:
A best place to live in the U.S. by, described as “Pacific Northwest magic at its best.”
The fastest-growing city in the state and 40th fastest-growing City in the country.
A top 25 city with the highest potential for new business growth in the U.S. by Swyft Filings.
Ranked fourth most bikeable city in Washington by
The no. 14 best city for outdoor activities in America by
A top 100 healthiest city and healthiest place to live in America by
More awards and accolades for our City government
Earned the Governor’s Smart Communities, Smart Vision Award for the City’s central Vancouver Heights District redevelopment plan and its innovative, equitable strategy to prevent displacement and support local, small businesses.

Rated the Best Tasting Water in the Pacific Northwest by the American Waterworks Association Pacific Northwest Section.
A Tree City USA for the 34th consecutive year and Growth Award recipient for the 23rd consecutive year for exceptional tree care and community engagement in support of a healthy urban forest by the Arbor Day Foundation.

Recipient of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2023-24 City budget, the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting in the country, from the Government Finance Officers Association.
Recipient of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 2022 annual comprehensive financial report, from the Government Finance Officers Association.
Recipient of the Award of Excellence from the National Association for County Community and Economic Development for innovative planning efforts behind the mixed-use Fourth Plain Commons in central Vancouver.

Recipient of two Spotlight Awards for excellence in community relations and multicultural public relations from the Public Relations Society of America Oregon, for Fourth Plain for All’s equitable community engagement strategy, a collaborative effort of the City and our consultants at Parametrix and PointNorth.
Senior Planner Shannon Williams received the Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce Building Diversity Award for her work with the Fourth Plain community to co-create the Fourth Plain For All investment strategy.
Recipient of two first-place Savvy Awards for innovative affordable housing communication strategy from the national City-County Communication and Marketing Association and a Government Programming Award for a public service announcement on reconnecting with your neighbors post-pandemic, from the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

A Top 100 Fleet in North America by the National Association of Fleet Administrators.
Events Specialist Johnie Tucker received the Ron C. Davis II Award from Washington Recreation and Parks Association for his decades of work designing recreation and leadership programs for urban youth in Vancouver.
Senior Park Developer Terry Snyder received the Florence B. Wager Tributary Award from the Parks Foundation of Clark County for his work to design and build accessible parks and natural areas in Vancouver.

Equity and Inclusion Director, Alicia Sojourner, received the Robert Phillips Regional Diversity Award for extraordinary work by a municipal employee to advance justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.
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