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Open Government Training

Washington’s Open Government Laws

The Open Government Trainings Act was enacted by the 2014 Washington State Legislature, effective July 1, 2014. The Act requires basic open government training for local and statewide officials and records officers. Training covers two subjects: public records and records retention (“records training”), and open public meetings. Whether you are required to take trainings on one or both subjects depends on what governmental position you fill.

Members of governing bodies

Members of a governing body of a public agency subject to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) must receive open public meetings training. They include members of city councils, boards of county commissioners, school boards, fire district boards, state boards and commissions, and other public agency boards, councils and commissions subject to the OPMA. Effective July 1, 2014, those members must receive OPMA training no later than 90 days after they take their oath of office or assume their duties. They can take the training before they are sworn in or assume their duties of office. They must also receive “refresher” training at intervals of no more than four years, so long as they are a member of a governing body

City of Vancouver Training

Elected officials and other members of governing bodies required to take this training can complete it online.

After taking the training, acknowledge your completion by filling out the form on this page.

Training Resources

Training completed(Required)
By submitting this form I acknowledge that I have completed the training lessons I have checked off, as required by the Washington State Open Government Training Act.