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Master Plan

What is a Master Plan?

How can the public get involved in master planning for new parks projects?

As funding permits, Vancouver Parks and Recreation will engage the public in the planning and design of new park and and trail facilities. The public’s role is to provide valuable information about how the park is currently used, and how they would like to see it used, both now and in the future. Project staff then uses this feedback to create the master plan in accordance with its park development standards.

How long does the master planning process take to complete?

For smaller neighborhood parks the process usually takes between 4 – 6 months to complete. It can take between 6 18 months to complete for larger, more complex community parks or trail systems.

What happens after a master plan is developed?

Once a preferred master plan alternative has been developed, it is presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (see below) for review and approval. Once approved by the Advisory Commission, the master plan may then be presented to either the Vancouver City Council or the Board of Clark County Commissioners for review and approval. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, Vancouver City Council and the Board of County Commissioners can request changes to the master plan prior to approving it if they desire. Once the master plan has been approved by the elected officials, project staff can begins final design and permitting to get the project ready for construction if funding is available.

Parks and Recreation Planning Commission

The Vancouver Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission is comprised of 10 members plus one alternate. Seven are appointed by the Vancouver City Council, one each from the Vancouver and Evergreen school districts and one from the Parks Foundation of Clark County.

The commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters relating to: planning, acquisition, development and operation of neighborhood, community and regional parks; green ways and open space; trails; sports fields; recreation programs; and cultural programs and activities.

The commission meetings are open to the public and occur on the third Wednesday of each month from 3 – 5 p.m. at City Hall, 415 W 6th St. in Council Chambers.

For more information call 360-487-8311 or email