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Water Conservation

Use Water Wisely 

Water is one of the most precious resources around. Using water efficiently makes sense in every way.

Did you know that the average family of four uses about 400 gallons of water a day? Some of that water may be going down the pipe needlessly. In the United States, the average toilet uses 5-7 gallons of water per flush and the average shower as much as 5 gallons per minute. Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons each day. Got a leak? Simple ways you can check.

Save money by conserving water. Using water wisely helps conserve supplies and can help save on water bills. To get started, here are some water conservation tips:

Save Inside

Save Outside

Vancouver’s Water Use Efficiency Program 

In the state of Washington, municipal water suppliers must meet Water Use Efficiency (WUE) requirements found in WAC 246-290. Under these requirements, municipal water suppliers must:

You Can Make a Difference

We all play a part in determining the quality of life of our community and our environment. Here are some water conservation resources to help get you started: 

100 Water-saving Tips
Learn 100 ways to to conserve water, courtesy of ‘Water Use It Wisely.’

Drip Calculator
Use this handy calculator to determine just how much water is wasted in a day, month or year through leaks. The WaterWiser Drip Calculator is provided by the American Water Works Association.

How to Conserve Water and Use it Efficiently
Learn all about WaterSense, including practices for residential and industrial/commercial users through the US EPA partnership program.

Things You Can Do
The US Environmental Protection Agency offers a world of ways you can make a difference with water. Visit this page for a collection of sites and information.

World Water Day
International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Water Wiser
Education, news and other information through Interactive web site that strives to meet the information needs of the water conservation community and the drinking water industry, courtesy the American Water Works Association.