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Vehicle license fee

Vancouver’s Transportation Benefit District (TBD) was formed in 2015 as part of a long-term strategy to improve the City’s street system. The TBD is funded by a $40 local vehicle license fee. New in 2023, the City Council and the TBD implemented a new 0.01% sales tax increase within the City limits to be used for transportation purposes specifically, implementing more complete street projects.

These fees help support our community’s safety, improve accessibility for all ages and abilities and make moving around Vancouver easier – no matter how you travel.

$5.2 million
Total TBD vehicle license fee revenue collected in 2023

$4.7 million
Total TBD sales tax revenue collected in 2023

How was it spent?

Grant-Funded Projects: $5.8 million
Delivering complete arterial street improvements on an ongoing basis

Complete Streets Projects: $3 million
Implementing complete streets throughout the City

Pavement Management: $1.6 million
Taking care of the streets we have by paving, preserving and improving conditions

Multimodal, Safety and Accessibility: $1.5 million
Increasing options for traveling around Vancouver safely and comfortably

Traffic Signal and Lighting Sustainability: $0.2 million
Increasing sustainability and resiliency by replacing vital assets

Neighborhood Traffic Calming: $0.1 million
Improving livability and safety in collaboration with neighborhoods

Learn more about the TBD and read the full Annual Street Funding Strategy Report.