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112th Avenue Corridor Subarea Plan

The 112th Avenue Corridor is a north-south principal arterial just east of Interstate 205 (I-205). The portion of the corridor that is the subject of this planning effort follows 112th Avenue from NE 4th Street on the south to NE 33rd Street on the north and from I-205 on the west to a varied one to five blocks from 112th Avenue to the east.

The 112th Avenue Corridor Subarea is envisioned as a walkable (connected, safe, and comfortable) community.  The primary street, 112th Avenue, as well as its adjacent developments will provide for safe pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle travel, allowing connectivity to services, jobs, housing, and amenities along the corridor. To achieve walkability future development will incorporate interconnected streets and trails, diverse housing choices, mix of uses, gathering places, and enhanced pedestrian amenities. The future I-205 interchanges and the potential transit station will also be integrated into the fabric of the area and support walkability.

Plan Documents