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NE 18th Street Improvement Project

Overall Corridor Improvements 

Improvement of this Northeast 18th Street corridor has been a regional priority for many years. Beginning in the late 1970s when it was part of unincorporated Clark County, Northeast 18th Street has been identified as a major east-west arterial from 87th to 192nd avenues. A multitude of studies have been conducted, from 1986 to 2013. Extensive public involvement was conducted from 2002 through 2010 during the environmental assessment and design of this project. The Design Guideline report for the entire Northeast 18th Street corridor is also available below.

Corridor improvements have been carried out in segments, to better manage funding needs.

The next segment of Northeast 18th Street to be upgraded to urban standards will be west of Interstate 205, between Northeast 97th and 107th avenues. Design for this segment is now getting underway, with funding from the Vancouver Transportation Benefit District fees. Construction funding has not yet been identified.

Completed Segments

Construction of Segment 1A – the first segment from I-205 to Four Seasons Lane – was completed in late 2011.  

The segment from Four Seasons Lane to Northeast 138th Avenue, was completed late in spring of 2018. 

Four Seasons Lane to NE 138th Avenue

Construction on this segment (1B) of the Northeast 18th Street Improvement Project upgraded the street to urban standards with additional travel lanes, an improved traffic signal system, street lights, and bike and pedestrian facilities, including a dedicated pathway along the south side of 18th Street. Work also included installation of underground utilities; roadway widening with grading and final paving; and relocation of power poles by Clark Public Utilities. 

Construction Funding

Estimated cost of improving this segment of Northeast 18th Street was nearly $14 million. Construction funding used a combination of development contributions, traffic impact fees, bonds, $6.5 million in federal grants approved through the local Regional Transportation Council (RTC), and $4 million from the State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB).

Opportunities and Challenges

This segment of the project presented opportunities and unique challenges, including multiple layers of ownership interests in right of way needed through the Bonneville Power Administration corridor. In addition to agreed upon compensation for right-of-way acquisition, changes were made in the design and agreed to by both the City and Joe’s Place Farm, with the focus on keeping Joe’s Place Farm in business long after the project is constructed.

A frontage road was included to provide an alternative to multiple driveways along the street and the safety and traffic problem of cars backing onto 18th Street. While the frontage road is expected to enhance safety and screen residents from arterial traffic, it also raised some questions from the Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood about potential traffic impacts at 126th Avenue, 129th Avenue, Village Green Drive and 134th Avenue. Although a traffic study has shown these intersections should operate acceptably for the next 20 years, the City has agreed to evaluate streets within the neighborhood, including Village Green Drive and 22nd Street, and install traffic calming and/or stop signs if warranted following the project.

Future NE 18th Street Segments for Improvement

Upon completion of the segment from Northeast 97th Avenue to Northeast 107th Avenue, construction of improvements next expected to take place will be between Northeast 136th and 162nd avenues. That project is currently unfunded.

Please note that these are estimates only and depend upon funding. For details, please review the City’s Transportation Improvement Program.